Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Veggie chutes making me shoot up!

The time has come for another check up! Woohoo! At 4.5 months old, Spencer needed another series of shots today, and boy was he excited about it. Well, not actually. Though I must say that leading up to the shots, he was having a grand ole time entertaining so many faces this morning.

We stopped over to the surgical tower at Sanford to drop off Nicole, and then sped off to see our family doc. In waiting for the MD, we shared all about the cloth diapers he was wearing and so many people we simply fascinated with the variety of colors and prints. Our nurse told me we one of her favorite families because she never knew what color might be coming in on Spencer's butt, and because he always smiled at her with a huge smile.

So, just to let you know, I'm not sure they measured Spencer correctly last visit. But apparently, he grew 2 3/4 inches! Must be his new diet of vegetables and fruits! Or it could simply be that the nurse might have measured a little shorter than he actually was on our last visit. But now standing at two feet two and three quarter inches, that puts him into the upper 90th% among his peers. Crazy honestly. But his 16.1 pounds makes him a lightweight compared to his height. Guess giving him food this early isn't going to make him fat. Sorry Mindy mom if you are reading this! But his head is growing at a steady rate making him within the 70th%. And then of course came the dreaded shots.

His doctor came in and gave him a thorough looking over, and then had two nurses come in to help with administration of the shots. Like last time, it took a second for him to realize the pain, and then you couldn't have painted a color more red than his face on him! But that actually passed very quickly. I rubbed his legs out really fast, and then put his clothes back on to leave. Not too bad at all if you ask me.

The rest of the day has been awesome! We got to spend some time outside with Nicole and Wendell walking down the half snow covered sidewalks. Spencer slept most of the time, but at least he got a little sunshine. Our little baby isn't so little anymore.


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