Thursday, March 17, 2011

And this means war?

I tell you what, tonight was war at home.. or so it seemed.

Usually, the evening goes like this:

5:30pm-6:00pm; SJ sleeps in the suburban on the way home from work. Usually wakes up as soon as we get home and the dog comes in the house.
6:00pm-ish-8:00pm; bottle, play
8:00pm-ish-9:00pm; nap
9:00pm-ish-10:45; fruit+oatmeal and bath
10:45pm-ish-11:30; play, bottle, bed

Then, it's a toss up. He usually either wakes up around 3am and 6am, or around 4:30am and then again around 8am.

Well, tonight.. we'll see.

He slept until about 6:00 at Target, and then was awake. We got home around 7, because I had to go buy formula.

Then he was awake, he played, he had a bottle.. and got tired and cranky around 8, as usual... but instead of being able to get him to sleep, we fought it out. I rocked him, until he was almost asleep, and went to lay him in his crib, as I usually do, but that just made him MAD. And from then on, it was he trying really hard to stay awake, but falling mostly asleep, and then just screaming and fussing.. no matter what I tried. So, he fussed until about... 9:20, despite having a bit of a bottle and almost sleeping. Then I gave him his pears, which he was mad about, because he was tired, and didn't really want to eat it. And then... a bath... which he enjoyed, and finally... he drank about .0023 ounces of his bottle and fell asleep at about 10:45.

So, his schedule wasn't so off, I guess.. but boy, that no nap in the middle replaced by lots and lots of fussing, and me not being able to nurse him which would generally make him fall asleep no problem... it just seemed like war.

But, hopefully he'll sleep a lot, since he fought so hard. I'm home alone with him tonight and don't want to get up 21.23849734 times.

I typed this as I finally got to eat supper, and the bottles are about ready to be scrubbed, and then I'll be off to sleep.

Or just kidding, I just heard him scream.

I'll go get him in a second. But I'll leave you with a link to this cute video of he and his dad doing a "duet" yesterday.


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