Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ear Infected Carrots.

As you may have heard, last Sunday (Superbowl Sunday), Mister SJ was diagnosed with his very first ear infection! Idealistically (yet, unrealistically), I would hope it to be his last.

He's had a rough week. He'll be his happy, joyous, exuberant and laughing self one-minute, and then the next shrieking like someone was trying to break his bones (not that I really know what that sounds like). It's been hard on me too, and Jake, I'm sure. He was given amoxicillin, which has made him poop quite a bit, but I'm not certain it's helping with the ear, seeing as how it's almost a week later and he is acting about the same. Next Wednesday will tell, I guess.

Jake saw him roll over on Saturday or Sunday, I think. I added him as an author to this blog, so he might tell you about it.

One thing that's changed is that last weekend and early this week, SJ was not really into eating/drinking much. Today, he took Jillian, Brieanne (her sister), and I totally by surprise when it seemed he was having a bottle or nursing every hour. And then Jillian suggested we try a vegetable, and he devoured carrots. He'd get SO mad when I'd take the spoon away for too long because he wanted MORE, NOW! Wow. Talk about a boy growing up super fast.

Anyway, he's awake again, so I better go.


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